Aquam Spells


Creeping Oil
oleum repens

Footsteps of Slippery Oil
vestigia olei lubrici

Mighty Torrent of Water
torrens potens aquae

Deluge of Rushing and Dashing
eluvio ruendi et adfligendi

Breaking the Perpetual Drought
siccitatem sempiternam dirimere

Lungs of Water and Death
pulmones aquae mortisque


Touch of the Pearls
tactio margaritarum

Subtle Taste of Poison and Purity
gustatus subtilis veneni et integritatis

Call of the Rushing Waters
vox aquarum ruentum

Voice of the Lake
vox lacunae

Enchantment of the Scrying Pool
carmen lacunae scrutantis


Lungs of the Fish
pulmones piscis

Breath of Winter
spiritus hiemis

Bridge of Frost
pons gelus

Ice of Drowning
gelu summergendi

Cloak of Winter
pallium hiemis


Parching Wind
aura torrens

Incantation of Putrid Wine
carmen vini putidi

Break the Oncoming Wave
undam accedentem frangere

Curse of the Desert
pernicies solitudinis

Vile Water of Sterility
aqua nequam sterilitatis

Calling the Odious Drought
siccitatem odiosam advocare


Ward Against Faeries of the Waters
saeptum contra nymphas aquarum

Cloak of the Duck's Feathers
pallium pennarum anatis

Gift of the Floating Wood
munus ligni innantis

Push of the Gentle Wave
pulsus undae lenis

Chaos of the Angry Waves
chaos undarum iratarum

Waves of Drowning and Smashing
undae summergendi et comminuendi

Pull of the Watery Grave
tractus sepulcri aquatilis

Parting the Waves
undas separare

Tower of Whirling Water
turris aquae rotantis

Neptune's Wrath
ira Neptuni

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Copyright David Chart 1995-1998