My novel, Tamao, has been released. It is an urban fantasy novel, set in Kawasaki, Japan, drawing heavily on Shinto practice and mythology. It is available for purchase on Amazon, Gumroad, and DriveThruFiction
David Chart’s Blog
My Writing
Roleplaying Games
I have written for roleplaying games.
Mimusubi is my project for non-fiction writing about Shinto. It has its own website.
Recent Blog Posts
My novel, Tamao, has been released. It is an urban fantasy novel, set in Kawasaki, Japan, drawing heavily on Shinto practice and mythology. It is available for purchase on Amazon, Gumroad, and DriveThruFiction
Site Redesign
I am redesigning the site to make use of the latest WordPress technology, and to better serve the role I want it to play at the moment. This will probably break things a bit, even though I have done the ground work on an offline copy. I hope to have everything up and running properly…
Accepted as Japanese
Can immigrants to Japan ever be accepted as Japanese? If you read the English-language internet on the topic, you will find a lot of people saying that it is impossible. That’s not what I’ve found. A few weeks ago, I was at a rare in-office meeting at one of the groups I work with. The…
2019 Survey of Foreigners in Kawasaki
About ten years ago, I applied to join the Kawasaki City Representative Assembly for Foreign Residents. My goal was to get the city to carry out a survey of its foreign residents, to find about the problems they were experiencing, in particular the experience of racism. At that point, there was no good data on…
New Book: An Introduction to Shinto
I have just published An Introduction to Shinto, a book based on the first two years or so of essays for my Mimusubi Patreon. It is available as a Kindle e-book from Amazon, from any of the various national Amazons. (The link is to the US site, because I think most potential readers are in…