Charm against Putrefaction
carmen contra putescendum
Bind Wound
vulnerem constringere
Gentle Touch of the Purified Body
tactio lenis corporis expurgati
The Chirurgeon's Healing Touch
tactio sanans medici
Restoration of the Defiled Body
refectio corporis contaminati
The Severed Limb Made Whole
membrum diremptum integrum factum
Incantation of the Body Made Whole
carmen corporis integrum facti
Healer's Ring
anulus medici
The Shadow of Life Renewed
umbra vitae renovatae
Revealed Flaws of Mortal Flesh
vitia patefacta viscerum mortalium
Sight of the True Form
species generis veri
Whispers Through the Black Gate
susurri per portam atram
The Inexorable Search
inquisitio inexorabilis
The Eye of the Sage
oculus sapientis
Eyes of the Cat
oculi felis
Disguise of the New Visage
persona faciei novae
Arm of the Infant
lacertus infantis
Preternatural Growth and Shrinking
auctus contractusque praeter naturam
Shape of the Woodland Prowler
figura vagantis nemorum
Curse of Circe
pestis Circae
Gift of the Bear's Fortitude
donum virtutis ursi
Mists of Change
nebulae mutationis
The Silent Vigil
vigilia silens
Cloak of Black Feathers
lacerna pennarum nigrarum
Stance of the Patient Tree
figura arboris patientis
Transform to Water
in aquam vertere
Cloak of Mist
lacerna nebulae
Invocation of Weariness
imploratio fatigationis
Grip of the Choking Hand
manu suffocante prehendere
Dust to Dust
pulvis ad pulverem
Confound the Connection
coniunctionem frustrari
The Wound that Weeps
vulnus quod lacrimat
Incantation of the Milky Eyes
carmen oculorum lacteorum
Twist of the Tongue
linguam torquere
Bane of the Decrepit Body
pernicies corporis decrepiti
Curse of the Leprous Flesh
pestis viscerum leprarum
Curse of the Unportended Plague
pernicies pestilientiae non portentae
The Kiss of Death
basium mortis
Clenching Grasp of the Crushed Heart
manus comprimens cordis oppressi
Spasms of the Uncontrolled Hand
spasmi manus effrenati
Despair of the Quivering Manacles
desperatio catenarum micantium
Rise of the Feathery Body
surgere corporis plumei
Endurance of the Berserkers
perpessio ferocum
Gift of the Frog's Legs
donum crures ranae
Awaken the Slumbering Corpse
cadaverem quiescentem suscitare
The Gift of Vigour
donum nervorum
Lifting the Dangling Puppet
pupa pendens tollere
The Walking Corpse
cadaver ambulans
Strings of the Unwilling Marionette
lina pupae invitae
The Leap of Homecoming
saltus domum
The Seven League Stride
ingens gradus
Copyright David Chart 1995-1998