Imaginem Spells


Restoration of the Lost Image
refectio imaginis peritae

Image of the Inanimate Thing
imago rei inanimae

Phantasm of the Talking Head
simulacrum capitis dicentis

Phantasmal Fire
ignis simulacrus

Phantasmal Animal
animal simulacrum

Phantasm of the Human Form
simulacrum figurae humanae

The Shadow of Human Life
umbra vitae humanae


Discern the Images of Truth and Falsehood
imagines veritatis et mendacii cerne

Discern Own Illusions
somnia sua cerne

The Ear for Distant Voice
auris voci remotae

Eyes of the Past
oculi praeteritorum

Summoning the Distant Images
imagines remotas advocare

Visions of the Wandering Eye
visus oculi vagi


Restore the Image Transformed
imaginem commutatam restitue

Taste of the Spices and Herbs
sapor condimentorum et herbarum

Aura of Ennobled Presence
vultus praesentiae ornatae

Illusion of the Altered Image
somnium imaginis mutatae

Notes of a Delightful Sound
soni sonitus iucundi

Disguise of the Transformed Image
persona imaginis commutatae

Image Phantom
imago simulacrum

Visions of the Infernal Terrors
visus terrorum inferorum


Dispel the Phantom Image
imaginem simulacram dissipa

Taste of the Dulled Tongue
palatum linguae hebetatae

Removal of the Conspicuous Sigil
amotio sigilli clari

Illusion of Cool Flames
somnium ignium frigidorum

Invisibility of the Standing Wizard
inaspectas magi stantis

Chamber of Invisibility
camera inaspectatis

Silence of the Smothered Sound
silentium sonitus suffocati

Veil of Invisibility
involucrum inaspectatis


Restore the Moved Image
imaginem motam restitue

Illusion of the Shifted Image
somnium imaginis motae

The Captive Voice
vox capta

Image from the Wizard Torn
imago e mago avulsa

Wizard's Sidestep
eludere magi

Confusion of the Insane Vibrations
confusio motuum insanorum

Illusion of the Misplaced Castle
somnium castelli moti

Haunt of the Living Ghost
latebrae manium vivorum

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Copyright David Chart 1995-1998