Terram Spells


Clenching of the Earth's Mighty Hand
comprimere digitorum potentum terrae

Tooth of the Staff
dens baculi

Stone of the Hundred Shards
lapis fragmentorum centum

Rampart of Protecting Earth
vallum terrae tuentis

Wall of Protecting Stone
murus lapidis tuentis

Circle of the Faerie Stone
circulus lapidis nymphi

Opening the Earth's Pore
foramen terrae aperire

Conjuring the Mystic Tower
turrem magicam obsecrare


Probe for Pure Silver
specillum argento puro

Eyes of the Eons
oculi aetatum

Eyes of the Treacherous Terrain
oculi terrae perfidae

The Miner's Keen Eye
oculus acutus metallici

Tracks of the Faerie Glow
vestigia ardoris nymphi

Stone Tell of the Mind that Sits
lapis narrare mentis sedentis

Greeting the Maker
fabricatorem salutare

Sense the Feet That Tread the Earth
pedes qui terram ingrediuntur sentire


Edge of the Razor
acies novaculae

The Forgiving Earth
terra facilis

Supple Iron and Rigid Rope
ferrum molle et funis rigidus

Unyielding Earth
terra obstinata

The Crystal Dart
telum crystallinum

Hands of the Grasping Earth
manus tellae prensantis

Object of Increased Size
res magnitudinis auctae

Rock of Viscid Clay
saxum argillae tenacis

Earth that Breaks No More
terra quae non iam frangetur

Statue to Animal
simulacrum animali

Teeth of the Earth Mother
dentes matris terrae


Fist of Shattering
pugnus frangendi

Pit of the Gaping Earth
fovea terrae hiantis

Rusted Decay of Ten Score Years
tabes robigne saeculorum duorum

Obliteration of the Metallic Barrier
delere septi metallici

Stone to Falling Dust
lapis pulveri cadenti

Cascade of Rocks
saxa ex alto desilientes


Ward Against Faeries of the Mountains
saeptum contra nymphas montum

Unseen Arm
bracchium invisum

Trackless Step
gradus sine vestigio

Wielding the Invisible Sling
fundam invisam tractare

The Earth's Carbuncle
carbunculus terrae

Invisible Hand of the Thief
manus caeca furis

The Unseen Porter
baiulus invisus

The Earth Split Asunder
terra seorsum scissa

Earth Shock
impetus terra

Creeping Chasm
hiatus reptens

Crest of the Earth Wave
crista undae terrae

Hermes' Portal
porta Hermae

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Copyright David Chart 1995-1998