Soothe Pains of the Beast
dolores bestiae mulcere
Weaver's Trap of Webs
laqueus textorum textoris
Curse of the Ravenous Swarm
pestis examinis rapacis
Shiver of the Lycanthrope
tremor lycanthropis
Vision of the Marauding Beast
visus bestiae praedatoriae
Opening the Tome of the Animal's Mind
codicem mentis animalis aperire
Hunter's Sense
sensus venatoris
Calling the Council of the Beasts
concilium bestiae advocare
The Immaculate Beast
bestia pura
Beast of Outlandish Size
bestia magnitudinis barbarae
Steed of Vengeance
equus ultionis
Transformation of the Ravenous Beast to the Torpid Toad
bestiam rapacem bufone lento commutare
The Beast Remade
bestia refacta
Decay Fur and Hide
pellem coriumque marcescere
Alleviate the Serpent's Bite
morsum serpentis levare
Cripple the Howling Wolf
lupum ululantem frangere
The Falcon's Hood
cucullus accipitris
Cleanse the Verminous Infestation
infestum pestis purgare
The Hunter's Lethal Arrow
sagitta funesta venatoris
Disguise of the Putrid Aroma
simulacrum odoris putidi
Soothe the Ferocious Bear
ursus ferox mulcere
Panic of the Elephant's Mouse
pavor muris elephanti
Viper's Gaze
obtutus serpens
Circle of Beast Warding
circulus bestias saepiendi
The Gentle Beast
bestia lenis
Mastering the Unruly Beast
bestiam effrenatam domare
Commanding the Harnessed Beast
bestiam ornatam iubere
Copyright David Chart 1995-1998