We had an earthquake about an hour ago. Level 3 on the Japanese scale, here, which means that the windows rattled quite decisively and a couple of books fell over, but no real damage. It was magnitude 4.6, according to the current reports, and the epicentre was quite some way north of here. There was obviously something about the rock between here and there, because we had the strongest effect in Kawasaki.
And then, the day before yesterday, it rained a bit. Actually, it rained 90mm in an hour, and didn’t stop, although it got rather lighter. There was lots of thunder and lightning as well; it was really quite spectacular. I’m very glad that I didn’t have to go out until the main show was over. As it was, I got quite wet collecting our vegetables from the place they get delivered to, but I didn’t get absolutely soaked.
I really like Japan, but it is a silly place to put a country.
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