Month: March 2010

  • Colds

    We all have colds at the moment. In my case or Yuriko’s case, that just means the usual feeling under the weather. Mayuki, however, has been sick twice in the night (including on me, last night). As you might imagine, that doesn’t help with us getting the lots of sleep that colds demand, so I’m…

  • Back to Immigration

    I went to the immigration office again today, to submit some more papers. A couple of days ago, the office called me in the morning, to ask about our move. I don’t know whether the ward office tells them automatically, or whether they had asked, but in any case, they had found out before I’d…

  • Mount Fuji

    I mentioned before that we were supposed to be able to see Mount Fuji from our flat. Well, a few days ago the weather was clear, so I was able to confirm this. As you can see from the photograph, it is possible to see Mount Fuji from our flat. OK, maybe it’s a little…

  • Nature-Asia Publishing Index

    Nature Asia-Pacific has just launched the Nature-Asia Publishing Index, which analyses the papers published in all of the Nature group of journals by researchers working at institutions in the Asia-Pacific region, including India and Australasia. The data is interesting, because the Nature journals are very important primary research journals, so they give some idea of…

  • Kanazawa, Day One

    So, last weekend we went to Kanazawa, and had a really good time. Mayuki was good, and apparently enjoying herself, for most of it, with only one tantrum, and that on the last day. Kanazawa is a lovely city, well worth a visit. In particular, Yuriko and I both thought that my mother would really…

  • Back Home

    We’ve just got back from a three-night, four-day trip to Kanazawa, on the Japan Sea side of Japan. We all had a great time; Yuriko said she did, and Mayuki seemed to enjoy herself most of the time, apart from one tantrum today, when she decided she didn’t want to wear her jacket. I took…

  • First Rabbit Festival

    Today was this year’s First Rabbit Festival at Shirahata-san. Because it is held on the first day of the rabbit in March, I always have to ask when it is. (I’m sure I’ve mentioned it before, but the animals of the Chinese zodiac are used for days as well as years.) Fortunately, I could attend…

  • New Flat

    Yesterday we handed over the money and became the owners of our new flat. Well, new to us; it’s actually twice the age of the current one, and very close to it. So, why are we moving? The new flat has an extra room. We had to go to Yokohama to borrow a room in…