New Computer

I have a new computer. Specifically, I have one of the new metallic iMacs from Apple, the 20″ one. (Wait long enough, and that link will point to the newer versions, but for now, it’s the one I have.) It arrived Tuesday morning.

It’s really nice. Big, bright, clear screen, really fast processor (2.4GHz), enormous hard drive (750Gb), nice keyboard and mouse; the hardware is great. I took it out of the box, connected up, plugged in, and put a DVD in to enjoy the show. Box opening to use: five minutes, if that.

Of course, I want to run Ubuntu Linux on it, so that wasn’t the end. Next, I had to download and burn four live CDs from Ubuntu, to find one that worked with my machine and booted it. Then I partitioned the hard disk, reinstalled MacOS X, and restarted again. Next, start from the Ubuntu CD, and install. I had to use the Gutsy Gibbon Tribe 5 testing release, because the 07.04 stable release doesn’t seem to work with this machine. (This isn’t surprising, because the machine is newer.) At this point, it wouldn’t boot into Linux, so I had to poke around on the web a bit to find rEFIt, which I installed, and which worked flawlessly first time.

So, at this point I had two working systems, and I copied my Linux files over from the tarball I’d made on my external USB drive. In the process, I discovered that USB 2.0 is about twenty times faster than USB 1.1. I knew it was faster, but I hadn’t realised it was that much so.

Moving data to the Mac side was held up by the fact that my old machine was not working at all well in Target Disk mode, so in the end I copied everything to the USB external drive, and then copied it on to the new machine. My photos took about four hours to copy onto the disk, and about fifteen minutes to come off again. The old computer only has USB 1.1…

A couple of pieces of software I use a lot weren’t in the Ubuntu repositories, so I briefly pointed Synaptic at the Debian repositories to get them. Then I had fun and games trying to get Japanese input working. The software was easy, but I ended up having to set environment variables in /etc/environment. Still, all working now.

Thus, all told and including sleep and teaching, it took a bit less than 36 hours from delivery to fully-functional. That’s still, I think, fairly fast, given what I needed to do.

And if you understood everything in this post, I am afraid that you are indisputably a geek.






4 responses to “New Computer”

  1. Joy avatar

    Basic-ly,are you trying to tell me, you went out and found a bigger,brighter, newer mac,than my cute,white, 3 week-old MacBook? Just couldn’t let me have the newest Mac in the Family, any longer?Well, Congrats…..can’t wait to see it in motion!!! Best news, though, I guess I’m not a “GEEK” yet….hardly understood a word you wrote!!!

  2. Nathanael avatar

    I’m not sure whether I’m more disturbed by having discovered that, unbeknownst to me, I have become a geek or by the listing of this post under the “Our Child” category. Well, actually I’ve known I’m a geek for a number of years, so it’s just the latter, which I’m sure was a slip of the mouse − one that you might wish to correct. Please feel free to delete this comment afterward.

    I always enjoy reading your posts, hope you have fun with your new toy (even though I’m sure you use it for work), and wish you all the best with your real child!

  3. Nathanael avatar

    Upon reading my previous comment, it appears rather more harsh than I had intended. It was supposed to be light-hearted, and I hope you’ll take it as such.

  4. David Chart avatar
    David Chart

    Nathanael: No problem, it actually sounded light hearted. I’ve fixed the categories; it wasn’t so much a slip of the mouse as planning to write something that, in the end, I didn’t. One of the things I needed the new computer for was editing videos of Mayuki.

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