Sudden Walking

Yesterday evening, Mayuki suddenly decided to go walking around our living room all by herself. It’s really a bit mystifying. One moment she was playing with Yuriko, just as normal, and the next she was walking from Yuriko to me and back again, visiting other places as they took her fancy. She’s been able to walk by herself for a couple of weeks now, but she’s not been doing it very much, nor has she really been doing it spontaneously. So last night was a bit of a surprise, albeit a pleasant one.

One possible explanation is that we went to a Mums and Tots group in the morning. When I say “we”, I mean Mayuki and I. Yuriko was in the same building, and introduced me to the other members of the group (Yuriko has been going for some time), but she wanted to attend a class on how to raise healthy, happy children. In addition, when her new kimono classes start she won’t be able to go, so I’ll be taking over from next month. Thus, yesterday was a chance for me to get to know the other people involved a bit.

Anyway, there were two other babies of almost exactly Mayuki’s age at the group, and both of them were walking around by themselves quite happily. Mayuki may have seen what they were up to, as she walked around holding my hand, and decided that she wanted to imitate them. Whatever the reason, we’re happy.






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