Author: David Chart

  • Midnight, Second Edition

    I think I might be able to catch up a bit on writing about the books I’ve been reading. The problems with my blog meant I fell behind, and then I was busy with work. However, today is a public holiday here (Spring Equinox), so I have no students, and my other work went well…

  • Walking to Shibuya

    Yesterday I walked to Shibuya. All told, it took me about four hours, but that included popping into a couple of shrines I passed on the way, and a shop, and getting a bit lost around the Tama river, and eating lunch just as I arrived in Shibuya. Looking at the map, it’s about ten…

  • Word Choice

    From the book on childhood neurological development I’m reading at the moment: “Obviously, Timothy’s auditory system did not develop in a vacuum.”

  • More Baby Pictures

    So, one of things I couldn’t write about while my access to my blog was broken was our visit to the Ob/Gyn clinic for a check-up on Saturday. I just got to sit there and nod and smile, but Yuriko seems to appreciate me doing that. We had ultrasound scans done again. The first was…

  • No Longer Broken Blog

    My blog has been broken for the last few days, in that I haven’t been able to connect to add entries. It now appears to be fixed again (whether due to something my webhosting company did, or due to the vagaries of Shub-Internet, I know not), so normal service will be resumed as of today.

  • Man in the Middle

    Well, I read all of John Amaechi’s autobiography this afternoon. See the previous article, “As Others See Us”, for my reaction to the bit about me. Since the book isn’t about me, I’ll try to keep this post about him. It was very interesting. He worked very hard to achieve something he wanted to do,…

  • As Others See Us

    So, John Amaechi’s autobiography has arrived, and I’ve read the first couple of chapters. I am in it, briefly. I will quote (fair use covers it, because it’s really brief). “In primary school I had but one friend, David, who was similarly nerdy only smaller, slight, and pale. We were united as powerless outcasts, so…

  • Diary Entry

    I’ve added a new diary entry. So click on over and read it.

  • John Amaechi

    Back when I was in primary school, my best friend was a boy a year older than me, and taller than most of the teachers. After primary school, we went to different secondary schools, and lost touch. A few years ago I discovered that he had become a basketball player, and was playing for the…

  • Amazon Advertising

    If you scroll down a bit, you will see that I have added some Amazon advertising to the sidebar. There are a couple of reasons for this. One is that these are called “Omakase” links, which is a Japanese word. It means that Amazon’s computers decide what to display. Right now, they seem to be…