Category: Blog Management

  • New Flat

    Yesterday we handed over the money and became the owners of our new flat. Well, new to us; it’s actually twice the age of the current one, and very close to it. So, why are we moving? The new flat has an extra room. We had to go to Yokohama to borrow a room in…

  • Liquid Web

    This website, and all my blogs, are hosted by Liquid Web, a US web hosting company. They were recommended on an industry mailing list about six years ago, and so when I decided to switch to a host independent of my connection ISP, I signed up with them. They aren’t the cheapest option available (with…

  • Server Change

    All my blogs have just been moved to a new server, to get access to newer underlying software. This should have made no visible difference, but people may have noticed the gibberish characters replacing quotation marks in Tamao. I’m working on getting that fixed as soon as possible, but if you spot any more problems,…

  • Oops

    I upgraded my blog software yesterday, and accidentally deleted the .htaccess file for this blog. That meant that, although the front page was working fine, the archive pages and RSS feed were broken. Thanks to Sheila for pointing it out to me. Anyway, it looks to me as if everything is working again now. Please…

  • No Longer Broken Blog

    My blog has been broken for the last few days, in that I haven’t been able to connect to add entries. It now appears to be fixed again (whether due to something my webhosting company did, or due to the vagaries of Shub-Internet, I know not), so normal service will be resumed as of today.

  • Amazon Advertising

    If you scroll down a bit, you will see that I have added some Amazon advertising to the sidebar. There are a couple of reasons for this. One is that these are called “Omakase” links, which is a Japanese word. It means that Amazon’s computers decide what to display. Right now, they seem to be…

  • Welcome to the Blog

    This is my English-language blog, as threatened in my most recent diary entry. As noted there, the aim is for it to supplement, rather than replace, my Japan Diary. The blog should be a quick way to note events and thoughts, while leaving the Diary for accounts of visits and the like; essentially, things with…