My novel, Tamao, has been released. It is an urban fantasy novel, set in Kawasaki, Japan, drawing heavily on Shinto practice and mythology. It is available for purchase on Amazon, Gumroad, and DriveThruFiction
David Chart’s Blog
My Writing
Roleplaying Games
I have written for roleplaying games.
Mimusubi is my project for non-fiction writing about Shinto. It has its own website.
Recent Blog Posts
Mimusubi Patreon Special Offer
Note: The special offer is over now, but this post is still up as a historical record. You can find out what is happening with Mimusubi on the Mimusubi website, or the Mimusbi Patreon. To celebrate the release of the video about Shinto that I helped Greg Lam of Life Where I’m From to make,…
The Empty Seat Revisited
When Baye McNeil writes about the empty seat phenomenon in Japan, the aversion that Japanese people have to sitting next to him on public transport, or, indeed, anywhere, he gets a lot of responses. Many of those responses are from people — white, black, male, female — who have the same experience. Many others, however,…